Conrad Heironhantal Chief Priest and Lord Primal Dragon master of the official legally recognised Dragon faith, craft and race for the whole of the British Isles. Thats a title and a half. I've seen him around before and always thought he was a nutcase walking around with his long dark velvet capes and robes and with his crystal wizard staff. Certainly didnt look like it was from a fancy dress shop though. I saw him today sitting outside a coffee shop and decided to walk over and have a chat. After talking to him for a while, he actually seemed pretty normal and the more I looked at him, the more I listened to him, I realised that he's actually not messing about.
"So are you a wizard or something?" I said and he went on to explain his title and what he does. He even had burn marks on his robe which were certainly not from smoking crack and a few people walked past and very respectfully greeted him. He handed me a flyer, with a red wax seal, that he'd made with his gothic handwriting for his familiar; a raven-black kitten by the name of Adramelech who had been stolen. The flyer went on to say "...the young female instigator of this evil action does not realise what they have incurred upon themselves, the threefold law of return, for what goes around comes around, she will rightfully reap what she has sown, the law of karma she has set in motion means she condems herself to the second death total Armialation and Oblivion at the will and Ordinance of the Gods which strike anytime within a year of the time of the offence..."
I looked him up on the internet and it turns out he won a courtcase to carry an ornamental knife with a dragon head around with him for religious purposes. He said the knife, known as a athame, was essential to his religion and that he couldn't live without it as it has essential uses in magic.
Anyone who steals a raven black kitten who goes by the name of Adramelekh, who happens to be the familiar of a dragon wizard and wears the Pagan star round its neck has either lost the plot or wants it for other reasons. Funnily enough, he had another black cat stolen from him by the name of Zagan a couple of years back, who was then returned to him. The missing poster was signed off with 'H.D.G Conrad, Lord Azubakin of Draconia'. Adramelekh by the way is a Samarian Sun God and in Paganism known as the Chancellor of hell and supervisor to Satan's wardrobe.
I'll never forget our converstaion about how he dealt with being who is throughout his childhood! I'm not one to suffer fools or nutcases but Lord Conrad was certainly a real Dragon Lord!